CSIA Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Your support of the CSIA Conference is crucial to the success of this event! Scroll down to see all the available opportunities to make your brand stands out during the highlight of the professional year for the system integration industry.

Earn Exclusive Bonus Benefits

Exclusive bonus benefits — such as a free kiosk or complimentary registration — accrue along with your investment. The more you invest, the more ROI you enjoy!

(Not included are membership dues  or Industrial Automation Exchange upgrades, packages or display advertising.)

Reach the SI Market Throughout the Year

CSIA package options available! If you’d like to ensure your brand stays top of mind before, during and after the conference, you can assemble an annual package that includes virtual events, display advertising and newsletter content.

And don’t forget to make sure your presence is also maximized on the CSIA Industrial Automation Exchange — the only digital directory designed for system integrators, vendors and end users to connect and do business!

Champion* Patron* Benefactor* Contributor* Friend*
Investment (total money spent) $20,000+ $15,001-$20,000 $10,001-$15,000 $5,001-$10,000 Up to $5,000
Recognition on signage, digital, web and app platforms Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recognition on attendee emails Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Corporate logo on website with link to company Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Push notification in conference app Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Social Media recognition before and after conference  1 1 1 1 1
Option to add promotional materials in app’s Virtual Registration Bag 2 2 1 1 1
One Exhibit space at Industry Expo & Reception 1 1 1 1
Complimentary Conference Registration 2 2 1
Priority to select expo space First Second Third Fourth
Mobile app message to all attendees Yes Yes

*To reach the above sponsorship levels, you can combine the following opportunities with sponsored content and/or display advertising. Please note there is not a separate charge to be a Champion, Patron, Benefactor, Contributor or Friend level sponsor. (Not included are membership dues  or Industrial Automation Exchange upgrades, packages or display advertising.)