Registration Dates and Rates

*Companies bringing three or more attendees are eligible for a discount. Contact staff for details.
**The CSIA Conference is a members only event. However, companies that have never attended are eligible to register one time only.
*** The Spouse/Guest pass includes the Welcome Reception, Industry Expo and Reception, and the Awards Reception and Dinner.

Early Registration Through February 28 Regular Registration March 1- April 30 Late Registration After April 30
Member* $1,430 $1,600 $1,820
Non-Member (First-Timers Only)** $1,850 $2,150 $2,250
Spouse/Guest*** $450 $500 $550
Best Practice Workshop (member) $2,000 $2,200 $2,450
Best Practice Workshop (non-member) $2,150 $2,400 $2,650
Business Risk Workshop $900 $1,000 $1,100
Marketing Workshop $900 $1,000 $1,100

Tips to Help You Navigate the Registration Process

Registering for the conference will only take a few minutes. But you will find you have some options to consider along the way. Here’s some tips to help you prepare for the process.

The CSIA Conference is a members only event. That means you will want to make sure that your company has joined or renewed its membership for 2025.

If you don’t know if your company is a CSIA member, you can log into your CSIA portal and check the membership status.

You can also look for your company on the CSIA Member List on the CSIA Industrial Automation Exchange.

Or, if you prefer, you can contact staff.

Login CSIA Member List Contact Staff

*If your company is not  a member and has never attended the conference, you may attend one time as a non member.

When you start a new registration, you will encounter a list of options — read through each carefully.

The options are:

  • Member: Choose this option if you are a CSIA Member and want to register for the conference — you can add optional events such as a workshop, Fun Run or Tour — in this workflow.
  • Non-Member: Choose this option if you are not a CSIA Member and this is the first time your company is attending the conference. You will be able to add any optional events, such as a workshop, Fun Run, or Tour, in this workflow.
  • Spouse/Guest: Choose this option if you’d like to register for a guest/spouse — this option includes the main social events only: Welcome Reception, Industry Expo and Reception, Awards Reception and Dinner.
  • Best Practices Workshop Only: Choose this option if you want to attend the two-day Best Practices Workshop but not the full conference. *
  • Business Risk Workshop Only: Choose this option if you want to attend the one-day Business Risk Workshop but not the full conference. *
  • Marketing Workshop Only: Choose this option if you want to attend the one-day Marketing Workshop but not the full conference. *

*Your workshop registration includes access to the Emerging Leaders and Welcome Receptions on June 3 complimentary.

While the Awards Reception and Dinner are included in your conference registration, you will need to RSVP during the registration process. You will not be allowed into the Awards Dinner without a ticket — so be sure to RSVP. This helps CSIA have an accurate count to ensure all guests are accommodated while minimizing food waste.

The Friday Keynote also requires an RSVP so hotel staff can set the room accordingly.

Make the most of your week by adding a workshop, Fun Run/Walk or tour. While these optional events do require an additional fee, you’ll be taking advantage of everything the week has to offer!

There is so much to learn throughout the week, it’s almost impossible for one person to take it all in. Why not bring your team or invite your colleagues to make sure your company capture it all!

Conference and Registration FAQs

The 2025 CSIA Conference will be held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina.

The CSIA Conference kicks off with an Emerging Leaders and Welcome reception Tuesday evening on June 3, 2025.

There are also three workshops that will be held in conjunction with the conference.

The Best Practices Workshop will be held Jun 2 – 3, 2025.

The Business Risk and Marketing Workshops will be held June 3, 2025.


The CSIA Conference is a members only event.

However, CSIA will make an exception for first-time attendees.

Pre-conference workshops are usually open to members and non-members.


Member/non-member registration includes breakfast on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, as well as lunch on Wednesday and Thursday. Access to all speaker presentations, the Welcome Reception, the Industry Expo & Reception, the Awards Reception and Dinner, as well as the Closing event are also included. Additional fees are required for the Pre-Conference Workshops, Wednesday morning Fun Run/Walk, and the Friday afternoon tour.

  • Spouse/guests registration option includes Welcome Reception, lunch (ie Women in Industry), Industry Expo and Reception, Awards Reception and Dinner


There is a $100 discount for any registration beyond two from the same SI member company.

That means that your first two registrations will be regular price, but any registrations beyond that will receive a $100 discount. No limits!

Contact staff at to get the discount code.

The Spouse/Guest Pass includes the Welcome Reception, the Industry Expo and Reception, and the Awards Dinner and Reception.

Children under 18 may attend the Welcome Reception, the Industry Expo & Reception, the Awards Reception and Dinner, as well as the Closing event. Additional charges apply for tour and Fun Run/Walk. Attendees over 18 must register under the spouse/guest option.

Leave your ties and business suits at home! Business casual is the recommended attire for the 2025 CSIA Conference.

Complimentary Wi-Fi access is available throughout the CSIA meeting space at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina. Credentials to access the Wi-Fi will be provided as the conference approaches.

Onsite registration hours will be announced closer to the date of the 2025 Conference.

Email staff at or call at +1 (847) 686-2245.

Follow the link included below to modify your registration, view your invoice/receipt, or pay an outstanding balance.

To log in, you will need the reference number included in your confirmation email and the email address associated with the registration.

Modify Registration

Registration fees are refundable through Friday, April 25, 2025, less a $50 cancellation fee for each registration.

After Friday, April 25, 2025, cancellation fees increases to $500 per registration and become non-refundable after Friday, May 23, 2025.

While CSIA does not anticipate any challenges to the ability to deliver the 2025 CSIA Conference, the board decided to simplify the administrative process in the event the CSIA determines that the event must be cancelled for any reason, including those beyond its control.

When you register for the conference, you will be asked to indicate your preference for how CSIA handles the disposition of your registration fee(s) by applying the fees to either the 2026 membership renewals or 2026 CSIA Conference or a refund.

Note: The potential applications of fees to membership renewal or a future conference are only available if CSIA determines that the 2025 event must be canceled and are not applicable if canceled by the registrant(s).