Committees & Task Forces

CSIA offers a number of opportunities for members to get involved – and get to work!

Committees & Task Forces: Your Opportunity to Grow and Give Back

Looking for a way to give back to your profession while supporting CSIA and developing leadership skills? Consider participating in or heading a CSIA Committee.

Benchmarking Committee

Chair: Titus Crabb, Vertech8 people standing in a ballroom

The Benchmarking Committee gathers meaningful statistical information about system integrators. These volunteers identify trends and leading indicators for the industry as well as opportunities for improvement to build better system integration businesses. In addition, this committee supports other association initiatives with relevant statistical data as needed.

Meets 1 hour per month via conference call.

Best Practices Committee

Best Practices Committee at 2023 ConferenceChair: Tony Valasek, EOSYS

The mission of the Best Practices and Benchmarks Committee is to attract industry leaders to actively participate and contribute toward the advancement and adoption of the CSIA Best Practices and Benchmarks.

A big part of what this committee does is reviews and updates the Best Practices Manual.

The ultimate goal of continuously improving the CSIA Best Practices is to ensure a successful systems integration experience for every client who uses a CSIA Certified integrator.

Meets 1-1.5 hours per month via conference call and in-person at the CSIA Conference.

Certification Committee

Chair: Jose Rivera, CSIA CEO

The Certification Committee is one of the components of the Certification Management System of CSIA.

Leadership Development Committee

Chair: Adrian Fahey, SAGE Group

The Leadership Development Committee provides recommendations for Board, Committee and Task Force members to assure quality association governorship and continuity from year-to-year.

Meets as needed.

Members of this committee are volunteers who have served in leadership roles previously.

Awards Task Force

Chair: Becca Johnson, A&E Engineering, Inc.two glass awards

The Awards Task Force provides thoughtful recommendations to the Board for award nominees to assure recognition for service to the association and/or the industry.

Members of this committee have served in leadership roles previously.

Digital Transformation Committee

Chair: Sam Hoff, Patti Engineering

The Digital Transformation Committee explores the role of industrial automation SIs in the digital transformation beyond their traditional function of technology implementation. What is this role? And what do SIs need to do to prepare for this emerging opportunity? There is no formal time commitment for this task force, but it does meet regularly throughout the year.

CSIA has been completely life changing for me.  I have grown as a professional and as a person by learning and contributing to the CSIA. The key was jumping in with both feet. I joined a peer group and a committee to fully immerse myself in the motto that if you share 1 idea you’ll get 10 in return.  This has proven true over and over again. 

Becca Johnson
Operational Excellence Leader, A&E Engineering Inc.

Becca Johnson