By Jose Rivera

I’m writing this message right before the U.S. Thanksgiving break. ‎

What I’m Thankful For
I’m thankful for the following: ‎

  1. ‎The 2023 conference in New Orleans was a success again. This was the first time CSIA ‎repeated a venue. CSIA had been here in 2003.‎
  2. The recession that was forecasted for mid to late 2023 fortunately didn’t materialize. ‎While it is normal for economies to go periodically through slowdowns/recessions, ‎most of us are grateful that we were able to dodge the bullet for now.‎
  3. The SI market has slowed down a bit but remains in growth mode. For many Sis, this ‎is not necessarily bad news as the previous pace wasn’t sustainable. The continuous ‎overall trend toward automatization remains a positive driver for SI and Partner ‎members. ‎
  4. CSIA recognizes the need to modernize. This means adjusting to newer approaches to ‎learning. In September, CSIA invested in the role of Director BP and Professional ‎Development.  
    During his first months, Eric Schaefer has been focused on the professional ‎development part of his role. He has been working alongside the education team of ‎Kellen, CSIA’s association management company.  
    BTW, we have included a few questions on this topic in the annual membership ‎survey. Please take a few minutes to provide your input. (Note: The survey request ‎goes to the primary contact on the account, so if you are the primary contact and did ‎not get an email about the survey, check your spam folder. Or contact staff.)  
    We always leverage our survey to guide our decision making. In addition, some of you ‎‎(randomly chosen) may be contacted to participate in a 1:1 interview with Eric. Thank ‎you for your support. ‎
  5. As part of its modernization efforts, CSIA has started work on its new website that we ‎plan to launch in mid-2024.‎

Looking Into 2024 ‎
You will see some changes to the conference. We dropped the “Executive” in the name ‎following the recommendation by the Emerging Leaders Special Interest Group and ‎approved by the CSIA board. The goal is to make our event more inclusive and encourage ‎participation beyond the company owners / executives.‎

In New Orleans, we offered a one-day business value workshop on Tuesday before the ‎conference kicks off. It was a success, and we plan to provide something similar in 2024. We ‎are also working to deliver a marketing workshop pre-conference start in 2024. We continue ‎our tradition by providing a 2-day BP workshop on Monday and Tuesday before the start of ‎the conference. ‎

By the time you read this we may have released our conference website and opened ‎registration (or at least we’ll be very close to it). We have an exciting lineup of speakers and ‎panelists. We look forward to seeing you in Dallas, Texas (April 15-19, 2024).‎

I wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays and the best for 2024. We all have many ‎things to be thankful for.‎

Jose Rivera is CEO of Control System Integrators Association.